The Out List consists of employees of the Mason community, including faculty, staff, and graduate assistants, who identify as LGBTQ+. Some Out List members are willing to serve as mentors and part of an informal network for the LGBTQ+ community. The list is also intended to serve as a tool for recruiting and retaining the most talented people, to foster a culture in which everyone feels that their contributions are valued, and as another example of the university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Students, staff, faculty and applicants to the institution are welcome to contact individuals on the Out List for advice and networking.
These names represent just a few of the LGBTQ+ members of the Mason community. There are barriers (both domestically and internationally) that prevent some members of our community from safely coming out. We hope that this list serves as a reminder that LGBTQ+ people deserve to live open and safe lives.
If you are interested in joining the Out List, we would love to add you! Please fill out this form.
(Introduction adapted from Johns Hopkins University’s OUTlist blurb)
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George Mason University Faculty & Staff Out List
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Jen Barnard (She/They)Identity: Queer, Genderqueer Office Manager, Modern and Classical Languages
David Powers Corwin (They/Them)Identity: Gay, Genderqueer Assistant Professor, School of Integrative Studies/Women and Gender Studies Student Focus – What we can connect about: the liberal arts/humanities; graduate school preparation and advising; most things that involve movies or TV and literature; if you want to declare a minor in Women and Gender Studies or LGBTQ Studies; if you are interested in joining the Gender and Social Justice Living Learning Community; if you are interested in doing an OSCAR or undergraduate capstone project Colleague Focus – What we can connect about: how to collaborate with women and gender studies; teaching and research collaborations; mentoring on co-curricular and scholar/practitioner models; supervising student staff and professionals; if you need a friend and are looking for community Research Areas/ Scholarly Interest: LGBTQ Studies, television studies and pedagogies, trauma studies in writing pedagogies, literary pedagogies, friendship studies, ecofeminism |
Andrew Novak (He/Him)Identity: Gay, Man Term Assistant Professor, Criminology, Law, and Society Student Focus – What we can connect about: I have worked as both a practicing lawyer and a law school career counselor, so I’m always happy to talk about career options and law school admissions. I lead study abroad programs and love to travel, so let’s share some tips and stories. Colleague Focus – What we can connect about: I am moving into online teaching after using blended/hybrid teaching models the last few years. I am very interested in learning about online teaching methods and strategies. Research Areas/ Scholarly Interest: My research is primarily on human rights litigation. To this point, I have focused on death penalty abolition around the world. Lately I have been writing more about LGBTQ rights challenges against anti-sodomy laws and other laws that criminalize same-sex intimacy (especially in the English-speaking world). If anyone else is working on these topics, do reach out. |
Sylvia Schreiner (She/Her)Identity: Queer Assistant Professor, Linguistics (English) Research Areas/ Scholarly Interest: Linguistics: Syntax, semantics, morphology, language documentation & revitalization. |
College of Science
Mark D. Uhen (Any, Respectfully)Identity: Gay Associate Professor, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences (Geology) Research Areas/ Scholarly Interest: I study the evolution and fossil record of whales and other marine mammals. |
Office of the Provost
Andrew E. Bunting (He/Him)Identity: Gay, Man Executive Director of Enrollment Services, Enrollment Management Student Focus – What we can connect about: Students can connect with me about the admissions and application process at George Mason University. Further, for students looking for off-campus social outlets, I am also happy to talk about navigating the DC LGBTQ+ nightlife community. Colleague Focus – What we can connect about: Colleagues can contact me about making meaningful connections with other faculty and staff across campus, Salesforce, the Mason Student Services Center, Admissions and Enrollment, and looking for ways to remove artificial barriers to student success. Research Areas/ Scholarly Interest: My research interests include the efficacy of admissions and enrollment-related marketing, and what effect that marketing has on student college choice. |
School of Business
Maxwell Gocala-Nguyen (He/Him)Identity: Gay Director, Undergraduate Recruitment and Engagement Student Focus – What we can connect about: Finding your fit, grad school preparation, building your personal network. Colleague Focus – What we can connect about: Forming new connections across campus, creating a stronger Mason. Research Areas/ Scholarly Interest: Motivation, College choice, Identity |
University Libraries
Denise Klasen-Lopez (She/Her/Ella)Identity: Bi, Queer, Woman Reference, Research and Instruction Specialist, Arlington Campus Library Student Focus – What we can connect about: LGBTQ identities and communities; Latinx & Indigenous identities and communities; Mental health first aid and suicide prevention; Third-culture lived experience; Death positive movement Colleague Focus – What we can connect about: Finding Community among faculty and staff; Connecting university organizations with library resources; Advocating for diversity with in the university organization |
University Life
Celia Delahunty (She/They)Identity: Pan Visual Marketing Coordinator, Student Centers
Julio Diaz (He/Him)Identity: Gay, Cis, Man Academic Advisor, College of Health & Human Services Student Focus – How we can connect: Involvement on Campus, being First Generation College Student, resources in the Division of University Life. Music. Soccer. Colleague Focus – How we can connect: Masters in Higher Education program and courses, resources for students in the Division of University Life, work/life Balance, advising a student organization. Research Areas/ Scholarly Interest: Latinx Students in Higher Education, Classical Music, Music Theory and Composition. |
Josh Kinchen (He/Ze)Identity: Bi, Queer, Genderqueer, Man Director, LGBTQ+ Resources Center Student Focus – How we can connect: LGBTQ identities and communities, grad school preparation Colleague Focus – How we can connect: Finding Community among faculty and staff, professional development in student affairs Research Areas/ Scholarly Interest: Experiences of LGBTQ+ Student Veterans |
Volgenau School of Engineering
Christopher A. Carr (He/Him)Identity: Gay, Cis, Man Associate Dean, Office of the Dean (College of Computing and Engineering) Student Focus – How we can connect: Retention, Student Leadership, Community Building, Resources, Safe Spaces/Zone Colleague Focus – How we can connect: Faculty Affairs, Professional Development, Inclusive Learning Practices Research Areas/ Scholarly Interest: Cultural Studies (Critical Race Theory, Queer of Color Critique, Radical Feminism), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice (Transformational Justice, Educational Equity, Diversity Leadership), Globalism (Post-Colonial Diversity Narratives, Empowerment of the African Diaspora, Internationalization in Education), Higher Education (Access & Retention, Campus Climate, Culturally Competent Curriculum) |